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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Dependent and Independent Clauses

 Worksheet: dependent and independent clauses

Task 1: Write down whether the sentences you see below are dependent or independent clauses (write in the brackets).

Task 2: Complete the complex sentences with a dependent or independent clause that’s currently missing (write in the gaps).

Task 3: Write a definition for “dependent” and “independent clause” on the bottom of this worksheet.

  1. I will tidy my room (  independent     ), because it is a mess.

  1. If it is sunny next weekend ( dependent              ), I will go to the beach. 


  1. It was snowing (independent ), therefore we stayed home.   

  1. I don’t like chocolate (             independent      ).

  1. My father works for the NZ police department (            independent ),therefore he eats donuts.

  1. Because I stay up till 4am to watch tik tok, I just HATE waking up early in the morning.


Dependent - doesn’t make sense on its own

Independent - sentence makes sense on its own



  1. Copy and paste the link into your search bar and watch the cartoon.

  1. For each scene summarize what you can see 

  1. Summarize the cartoon by using first, next and last using no more than 60 words.

  1. Copy the cartoon link and your completed page onto your blog. 

Scene One:  

At home

An exemplar

I can see a small space and dim light. It reminds me of the burrows I have seen on tv that animals dig out as their home. I can see they are all huddled together sleeping so there is not a lot of room. The inside of the burrow is brown so it is dirt that has been dug under the ground.

Scene Two

 First activity of the day

They climbed the tree and went over to the fruit. They are in love with the fruit and look at it with love. 

`Scene Three:  

A feared enemy

The eagle steals the fruit.

Scene Four:

Enemies revenge

The meerkats try to get the fruit back, the pile up like a stack on top of each other. They get it back and they pass to each other but the vulture gets it again

Scene Five:

The Rescue

The meerkats got on top of the vulture like acrobats but couldn’t get it back. The vulture crashed into the rock and dropped the fruit.

Scene Six:

Sport nirvana

One of them kicked the ball .

Scene Seven:

The End

It landed on the ground and went splat.  They all started crying. 

Firstly, the meerkats came out of the burrow and saw their fruit. 

Secondly, the vulture came and took the fruit

 Lastly, the meerkats were mad and chased the vulture to get it back. 

The Robot Saves The Earth

 The Robot Saves The Earth  

The robot, Zurk, was slowly walking through the hot sandy desert. He was very tired, his legs were worn out and he was exhausted. He tripped and fell down. He sees a plant and walks over to it and then he picks it up very slowly and carefully. He begins to walk steadily with the plant in his hand. He saw a colossal rock then he walked over to climb it. He looked up then he started to ascend.

When he got to the top of the colossal rock. He dropped the plant at the top then the tree grew. There were birds, the clouds looked like they had rain and the planet might live again.